How To Start Working Out When You Haven’t In A While

15th November 2022

Whether you want to lose weight or build muscle, regular exercise is the one thing that you should do

But, what if you are starting from zero?

If you haven’t worked out in a while, it’s totally normal to feel a bit intimidated by the prospect of getting back in shape

However, there is no need to worry

Your ultimate goal should be to ease into a workout routine that is both sustainable AND enjoyable

Below are my 10 tips on how to start working out when you haven’t in a while

Top ten things you can do to start working out

1. Do not overdo anything

2. Set a workout routine and fitness routine

3. Add other healthy habits to your lifestyle

4. Add moderate intensity strength training/resistance training

5. Start with freehand exercises like push-ups

6. Track how your body responds

7. Make it fun

8. Get a workout buddy

9. Have short-term and long-term fitness goals

10. HIRE A COACH! (we can help with this one!)

So there you have it, these are my top ten tips on how to start working out when you haven’t in a while

Just remember to ease into things, focus on adding other healthy habits to your lifestyle and make it fun!

And most importantly, don’t push yourself too hard. The main thing is to start slowly and once you find your pace, you can gradually increase the intensity and length of your workouts

Good luck!


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